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Notice 보기

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Thank you everyone




Because of your explosive reaction for our the raincoat, the primary product is discharged almost. 

The inquiry of the made-to-order and purchase of the rest of the extra primary product, please contact us. 

(Main phone: 070-8282-7248)

Unfortunately, Experience event became the exit conducted in the first half of last year and this year. 

In the future, experience events is expected to perform by consider given condition.

Additionally, our products are continually improving our product's design and material. 

Also we are preparing to release dual-purpose foot warmers transformed into the beg.

Please understand about reorganizing our home page for better image.

If you have any suggestions and other inquiries, please contact us at any time.

Please give us your interest and support, thank you



  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유
  • 미투데이 공유
  • 요즘 공유
  • 인쇄하기
이름 : 비밀번호 : 스팸방지코드 :

Company : 585-8 guamdong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea |  Tel. +82-70-8282-7248  |  FAX. +82-70-8282-7249 

E-mail : webmaster@bridges.co.kr

Institute : Hanbat University 16-1 deokmyeongdong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea

President : rae deu, Lee  |  Administrator : jong hun, Lee  |  business license : 314-21-96128